Best Places to Visit in Kandy Sri Lanka

Tour of Hart of Sri Lanka-(Kandy)

The Kandy district is the golden hart in the Sri Lankan history. There is proof that the historical backdrop of the Kandy keeps running up to the periods enduring before the introduction of The Christ. Numerous antiquarians reveal the people stories as proof which demonstrates that the kingdom of Kandy which in the past called “Kingdom of Senkadagala” has a long history from that of Ravana period. The Kandy is the most important city for the Buddhist peoples in Sri Lanka, because the only place in the earth where a greater Buddhist can worship “Gauthama lord Buddha” in the temple of Tooth Relic.

The Last Kingdom of Sri Lanka- Kandy Palace

" If you willing to visit Kandy, I promise you that you will get a memorable experience where that can't be taken from anywhere in Sri Lanka." 

Where is the best place that you can start your journey to Kandy? 

Yes, probably you are willing to start your journey  from the Colombo. I suggest you the most economical way is catch up a train from ‘Colombo Fort Railway Station”, here you can book a train to Kandy by following website. That would be nice if you can select 1st class ticket or 2nd class ticket for your journey. You will never get tired.

Sri Lanka train tour

                     <<<Click Here to Reserve your Train Ticket >>>

By the way if you are willing to go by a bus to the Kandy that would be grate you will get a fresh experience with the Sri Lanka bus ride. You can catch a bus to Kandy at any time form Colombo because there are 24 hours nonstop bus services to Kandy from Colombo.

Wow, that’s finished. Now “Welcome to Kandy”. As Sri Lankans we used  the phrase “ Ayubowan” to make a worm welcome. Confused? Or What is it mean?. The meaning of “ Ayubowan” is we are wishing you a healthy and happiest long life time. 

Now I’m going to tell  you what are the places that you can visit in Kandy, Sri Lanka. 

1. Ok buddy it is better to start with the Temple of Tooth Relic. The  queen Kema received “ Gautama lord Buddha’s left canine tooth from the sandalwood funeral pyre. She was a very gorgeous queen that joined “ Gautama lord Buddha”, listened to his sermons and become an “ Arahath” which means the enlightened. 

Ancient Kalinga in central east India is now most of the state of Odisha and part of Andhra Pradesh. After a war began the King Guhasiva entrusted the relic to his loving daughter Princess Hemamali and his son-in low to Sri Lanka. Rather than that go to the enemy’s hands.  In the past era the person who have the relic is considered as the King of the Country.

There are so many festivals bonded with the cultural heritage of the temple of the tooth relic.
The “Asela perahara” is one of a greatest stunning festival in the earth. It is unbelievable and no words to explain its beauty. If you want to be the part of that festival you should come 10 days  before the August full moon poya day.  

The best time for go to the Temple of Tooth Relic is Between 9.30 A.M to 10.30 A.M and 6.00 P.M to  8.00 P.M during those time periods you will be lucky to listen the sounds of “ Thewawa” comes from the traditional musical instruments. 

2.The Buddhist museum of Kandy

The Buddhist museum of Kandy

After you worshiping the tooth of relic you must go to the largest Buddhist museum of Sri Lanka. That is also the largest Buddhist museum in the South Asia. Amazing! You can get an invaluable experience to your life with the Buddhist Museum of Kandy. But they don’t allow you to take the photography of there but the good news is the tickets are free for foreigners. You can see hundreds of antiques related to story of the Buddhist. There are three floors to visit. Each floor consists of distinct type of antiques. 

3.The Museum of Raja Atha

Raja Atha

The Raja Athaa is a huge tusker whom provided his service during the “Asela Perahara”. Sri Lankan believes that he is the greatest tusker that the world ever had. He had an unbelievable sensitivity beyond the humans. After the death of that tusker the museum is opened to show his gratitude to the world. There is a same size sculpt of this king tusker and you can see him as a live in that 

4. Don’t forget the “ Kandy-view point”.

One of the best part of your Kandy tour would be this. This place provide entire view of the Kandy city. If you can go around 7.00 pm definitely you will love to Kandy. Can you imagine the night life of Kandy city. It is like a meditation and a  silent atmosphere, you can feel it while drinking a hot tea sitting on a bench near the Kandy lake.   

5. The temple of “Bahirawa Kanda”

Those places are quite different.  You have to climb a mountain where starting from the Kandy Police station. When you arrive this temple you can see a picture of the Kandy city more than the Kandy-view point. There is a very interesting story regarding the Temple of Bahirawa Kanda. I’ll tell it later on. because now we have to hike Hanthana Mountain rage. 

6. Definitely you will say “OMG!” when you at the top of the Hanthana mountain.

Actually, it is beautiful more than you imagine. First you have to catch a bus where go to “Hanthana” from the Kandy bus stand. The you should get down from the bus at 14th tower. (you can ask from the bus conductor) . Now there is a feet path to top of the mountain. You can take any photograph for your collection.

7.  Peradeniya botanical garden.

An amazing place to watch huge collection of beautiful flowers and other plants this place can be called as the largest botanical garden in Sri Lanka. Peradeniya botanical garden  is located in between the “Peradeniya” and “Gatmbe”. Also you can see the loveliness of the mahavali river while traveling around the Peradeniya botanical garden.
